Senqu Municipality  is located in the centre of Joe Gqabi District Municiplaty. The municipality encompasses 3 towns Sterkspruit,Lady Grey, Barkly East and 3 farm areas.

Summarised List of Services provided by Amenities:

  • Proper management of Municipal community facilities including sport fields and community halls.

  • Hiring of halls and Sport fields for events and use by the public

  • Public spaces and recreation centres, parks and facilities.

  • Library Management Services

  • Cemeteries maintenance and development management

  • Burials


1. Manager Amenities : U. Sobudula

051 603 1380

2. Superintendent Amenities: B. Mehlomakhulu

051 603 1379

3. Supervisor Amenities: Jabu Nokhonongo

065 562 5889

Supervisor responsible for all towns

Lady Grey – Headquarters


19 Murray Street/Private Bag X03,
Lady Grey,
9755,  Tel: 051 603 1300/1301, Fax 051 603 0445

Lady Grey – Town Hall


Burnet Street/Private Bag X03,
Lady Grey,
9755,  Tel: 051 603 1300/1301, Fax 051 603 0445

Magadla Hall


Ngquba Hall