Senqu Municipality is located in the centre of Joe Gqabi District Municiplaty. The municipality encompasses 3 towns Sterkspruit,Lady Grey, Barkly East and 3 farm areas.
Summarised List of Services provided by Amenities:
Proper management of Municipal community facilities including sport fields and community halls.
Hiring of halls and Sport fields for events and use by the public
Public spaces and recreation centres, parks and facilities.
Library Management Services
Cemeteries maintenance and development management
1. Manager Amenities : U. Sobudula
051 603 1380
2. Superintendent Amenities: B. Mehlomakhulu
051 603 1379
3. Supervisor Amenities: Jabu Nokhonongo
065 562 5889
Supervisor responsible for all towns

Lady Grey – Headquarters
19 Murray Street/Private Bag X03,
Lady Grey,
9755, Tel: 051 603 1300/1301, Fax 051 603 0445

Lady Grey – Town Hall
Burnet Street/Private Bag X03,
Lady Grey,
9755, Tel: 051 603 1300/1301, Fax 051 603 0445

Magadla Hall

Ngquba Hall